
Vocabulaire anglais : 20 synonymes « d’Amazing »

Vous avez aussi remarqué ? Pas une série ou un dialogue de nos amis anglo-saxons qui ne soit pas ponctué d’un “SOooo amaziiIIing !!!” !!! Envie d’enrichir votre vocabulaire anglais ? Voici une liste de 20 synonymes pour exprimer votre incrédulité/joie/béatitude !

*ACE : excellent, vraiment cool – Ace! I just got a promotion at work.

*ASTONISHING : étonnant, époustouflant – The magic show was astonishing.

*ASTOUNDING : étonnant, incroyable – The young guitarist astounded the audience.

*AWESOME : génial, fantastique – My host family’s house is really awesome!

*BLINDING : éblouissant, incroyable – They had a blinding party after their wedding ceremony.

*BRILLIANT : brillant, génial – He had a brilliant idea

*EPIC : sensationnel, épique ≠ “epic fail”=échec cuisant – Our road trip in Australia will remain epic!

*EXTRAORDINARY : extraordinaire – The concert last night was extraordinary

*FABULOUS : fabuleux, magnifique – The party took place in a fabulous location.

*GOBSMACKED : bouche bée, impressionné(e) – I was gobsmacked that you managed all of that.

*GREAT : grand, immense, formidable – “Make our planet great again” 🙂

*HUGE : impressionnant – There is a huge variety of animals in Tanzania.

*LEGENDARY : légendaire, mythique – This is a legendary theater which was created in the19th century.
Impossible de ne pas penser à Barney Stinson de la série “How I Met your mother” – voici une petite compilation de ses “It’s gonna be “legendary”!”

*MAGNIFICENT : magnifique, formidable – The gardens of the Versailles castle are magnificent!

*UNREAL : irréel, incroyable – I love this Halloween party, the disguises are just unreal!

*SMASHING : formidable – This theater company had a smashing success.

*STUNNING : stupéfiant, superbe – His last fashion show was stunning !

*UNBELIEVABLE : incroyable – My parachute jump will remain an unbelievable experience!

*WICKED : génial !
– I have booked the flights for our next stay in Dublin.
– Wicked! I’m looking forward to be there.

*WONDERFUL : merveilleux, formidable – The Manhattan rooftop restaurants always offer wonderful views of the city.
